Trusted by top sellers from the world's best sales organizations

SDR-GPT’s battle cards will get you to 'Yes' faster.

SDR-GPT will research the open web, LinkedIn, news, job postings and more and and create a custom-made Battle Card for every prospect for you to access directly on your sales enablement platform or your email.

SDR-GPT automatically preforms deep prospect research when you add prospects to Outreach sequences. It dives deep into LinkedIn, news, blogs, industry reports, and landing pages, crafting a custom-made Battle Card for every prospect in Outreach.

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Manual email tasks? Nah, my emails write themselves.

Based on your tone of voice and email style, SDR-GPT will automatically craft hyper-personalized emails designed to stand out in a crowded inbox. Just hit the send button, or use our Magic Refine to add a final touch.

Based on the research, SDR-GPT crafts at least 3 hyper-personalized emails for reps to review. Each email uses a different hook and angle, so reps have plenty to choose from.

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Stay zen, SDR-GPT works where you work

Our Chrome extension allows you to work on Outreach, Salesloft, Linkedin or anywhere else on your browser, so your Battle Cards and emails are right there with you whenever you need them. Cold Call? quick look at the battle card and you’re set. Manual email task? Just hit Send and on to the next one!

SDR-GPT automatically preforms deep prospect research when you add prospects to Outreach sequences. It dives deep into LinkedIn, news, blogs, industry reports, and landing pages, crafting a custom-made Battle Card for every prospect in Outreach.

Try Yourself!
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Falling in love with SDR-GPT

"I used to waste 7 minutes on a single email. SDR-GPT got it down to 40 seconds, and the emails perfectly match my personal style. Workflow's effortless!"
Brian Guimond
Senior SDR, Navan
"SDR-GPT’s level of personalization at scale is unparalleled. We're getting more replies than ever while spending half the time on outreach efforts"
Josh Lex
AE, Oro Labs



Per seat, per month
200 Prospects/month
Battle Cards
3 Hyper-Personalized Emails Per Prospect
Linkedin Chrome Extension
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For teams larger than 10 reps
Everything the Junior Agent does plus...
Unlimited Prospects
Custom intent-based insights
Fine-tuned to your email style
Personalized social proof per prospect & Salesloft Native Integration
LinkedIn DMs and Connection Requests
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