Find the right companies and contacts to close your next deal

Bizzy simplifies your outbound sales process by bringing companies, decision makers, and contact details together in one smart B2B prospecting platform.

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Find your next lead with AI

Bizzy simplifies your outbound sales process by bringing companies, decision makers, and contact details together in one smart B2B prospecting platform.

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Join over 10,000+ professionals already using Bizzy

We provide business insights in a smart and automated way

Data sources combined

All relevant company data in one place

We bring all relevant European data from different sources together in a structured and convenient way. Say goodbye to scattered information and hello to easy and efficient prospecting.

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Automated data processing

AI-driven data collection and processing

We use the newest technologies in AI and machine learning to fully automate our data collection and analysis, making all insights much smarter and more up-to-date than ever before.

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easy-to-use data solutions

Smart and automated workflows

We focus on the experience of our users, making sure that our software and tools are easily accessible and seamlessly integrated into their daily routines.

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We collect company and contact data about more than 21 million businesses.


Decision makers

We have links to over 30 million directors, shareholders and founders in our database.



Since last year we have processed over 170 million official publications and annual accounts.


Website pages

We look for contact and company data in over 110 million website pages and social media profiles.

What our customers say

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“Bizzy boosted our sales efficiency by bringing all relevant data and insights into one, easy-to-use platform.”

— Matthias Browaeys

Founder & CEO, Winwinner

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Ready to boost your sales efficiency?

Join over 10,000+ professionals already using Bizzy.